Transaction Shortcuts
The Clerk role can enter multiple records of Labor, Purchase, or Issue transactions at one time. The labor hours you enter can be for multiple users. This is a quick and efficient way to enter your transactions. *Note: Fields with a red checkmark ()are required.
Adding Multiple Transactions to the Same Work Order
- Open a work order by searching for it or clicking on the WOID number. *Note: The Clerk role will see the Short Work Order Form by default.
Adding Labor Hours
Once you are on the Short Work Order Form, hover over the Shortcuts menu and click Add Labor Hours. You will be directed to a form where you can record the labor hours for this work order for up to seven users at a time.
Select the user's name in the Employee drop down.
- Choose what Type of labor you are entering from the drop down.
Enter a labor transaction Date.
- Enter the number of Hours worked in the text box. *Note: If a labor rate is assigned to the user, the Total Cost will be calculated and auto-populated in the text field.
If the work has been completed, you can add Action Taken notes at the bottom of the form as well as an Actual Completion Date.
- Check the box next to Complete Work Order if the work has been completed.
Once you are finished entering transaction details, click on the Save button to save your labor transactions.
Adding Purchase Transactions
- Once you are on the Short Work Order Form, hover over the Shortcuts menu and click Add Purchases. You will be directed to a form on which you can record up to seven purchase transactions for this work order at a time. Refer to the dark blue header to see which fields and drop down menus correspond to each field.
- Enter the Date of the transaction. This date can be backdated if needed.
- Identify the Type of purchase transaction from the drop down list. For example: Materials, Rentals, or Contract Services.
- Enter the Item Description for the purchase. For example: If you are entering a transaction related to materials, what was purchased? If related to Contract Services, what services were contracted?
- Enter the Qty purchased.
- In the Unit Cost field, enter the cost per unit.
- If the costs of this material will be associated to a Budget select it from the drop down list.
- Once you have filled in the information for your purchase transaction(s), you can check the box next to Complete Work Order if the work has been completed.
- Click the Save button to save your purchase transactions.
Adding Issue Transactions
- Once you are on the Short Work Order Form, hover over the Shortcuts menu and click Add Inventory Issue. You will be directed to a form on which you can record up to seven issue transactions for this work order at a time. Refer to the dark blue header to see which fields and drop down menus correspond to each field.
Enter the Date of the transaction. This date can be backdated if needed.
- Enter the quantity of this inventory item that is needed in the Qty field.
- Identify the Type of inventory from the drop down list. For example: Custodial, Electrical, or Mechanical.
- Enter any Notes if desired.
- Enter the Item Number or click on the binoculars to select an inventory item from list. *Note: The items shown here will be filtered based on the Type selected.
- Select the Pool that this item will be issued from.
Unit of Issue, Unit Cost, and Total will automatically calculate based on the quantity entered.
- If the costs of this item will be associated to a Budget select it from the drop down list.
- Click the Save button to save your inventory transactions.